Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011

Herbs Of Healing


Althaeae officinalis/Marshmellow (Eibisch)
Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: antitussiv (hustenreizmildernd)
Application Area: sore throat (Halsweh) with dry cough (trockener Husten)

Arnica montana/Arnica (Arnika)
Parts of herb: flowers
Kind of application: put it in oil or alcohol, or make a salve
Effect: antibacterial, antifungal (gegen Pilze), anti-inflammatory (entzündungshemmend), analgesic (schmerzlindernd), antirheumatic, antiarthritic (antiarthritisch)
Application Area: only external!!! (nur äußerlich) heals and disinfect wounds

Betula pendula/Birch (Birke)

Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: diuretic (Harntreibend)
Application Area: bladder infection (Blasenentzündung)

Calendula officinalis/Pot Marigold (Ringelblume)

Parts of herb: flowers
Kind of application: salve, oil, alcohol
Effect: antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, heals wounds, antispasmodic
Application Area: external for wounds, external for gargling when having sore throat, internal against spasm

Hypericum perforatum/ St. John's wort (Johanniskraut)

Parts of herb: flowers (for oil), leaves (for tea)
Kind of application: oil, tea, salve
Effect: heals wounds, heals burns, muscular pain, anti-depressive
Application Area: internal against depression, external for wounds, burns

Cetraria islandica/Iceland moss (Isländisches Moos)
Parts of herb: moss
Kind of application: tea
Effect: antiviral, antibacterial
Application Area: sore throat

Linum usitatissimum/Flax (Lein)
Parts of herb: seeds
Kind of application: 3 soupspoons/day
Effect: laxative (abführend)
Application Area: obstipation (Verstopfung)

Glycyrrhiza glabra, inflate, uralensis/Liquorice (Süßholz)
Parts of herb: roots
Kind of application: tea
Effect: anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-ulcerogenic, antibacterial, hepatoprotective (protects liver)
Application Area: gastroenteritis, bronchitis, pyrosis (Sodbrennen)

Matricaria recutita/Chamomile (Kamille)
Parts of herb: flowers
Kind of application: tea
Effect: anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, sedative, relaxes muscles, tranquillizer
Application Area: spasms, gastroenteritis, external for baths, gingivitis  (Zahnfleischentzündung), sore throat

Melissa officinalis/Melissa (Melisse)
Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: antimicrobial, sedative, anti-ulcerogenic
Application Area: sleep disorder, gastro-enteritis

Mentha x piperita/Peppermint (Pfefferminze)
Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: antispasmodic, painkiller, anti-inflammatory, lightly sedative, neuro-active, stimulates gall-bladder
Application Area: gastro-enteritis, mucolytic of air passages (schleimlösend)

Plantago Lanceolata/Ribwort (Spitzwegerich)
Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: antimicrobial, antiinflammatory
Application Area: respiratory problem, sore throat, mucolytic of air passages (schleimlösend), external for wounds

Rosmarinus officinalis/Rosemary (Rosmarin)
Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: antibacterial, antiviral, anti-oxidative,  stimulates gall-bladder, protects liver, anti-ulcerogenic,
Application Area: bad digestion, external against rheumatism

Salix/Willow (Weide)
Salix purpurea, daphnoides, fragilis, pentandra
Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: painkiller, antiinflammatory
Application Area: rheumatism, headache, fever

Salvia officinalis/Sage (Salbei)

Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: antimicrobial, antibacterial
Application Area: sore throat, angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, gastro-enteritis

Thymus vulgaris/Thyme (Thymian)
Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, protects liver
Application Area: bronchitis, cough

Urtica dioica/Stinging nettle (Brennessel)
Parts of herb: leaves
Kind of application: tea
Effect: anti-inflammatory, diuretic
Application Area: rheumatism, purging urinary tract

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